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Testing with JUnit 4.12
JUnit xUnit architecture
Test cases and suites
Concurrent Testing
Mock testing
Test automation and report generation
Eclipse plug-in and RCP Development
SWT and JFace
Eclipse Workbench and pug-in architecture
The plug-in deployment
Custom plug-ins and updates
RCP applications
Product branding and deployments
JavaEE7 and EJB3.1 Development
JSF2.2 web applications
JMS2.0 Messaging
EJB3.1 component architecture
Custom plug-ins and updates
JPA2.1 and Entities
Transaction management and security control
JBPM Development and Deployment
Java Business Process Management tools
BPMN2 and BPEL standards
JBPM persistence and transactions
Drools integration and knowledge base API
Drools integration and knowledge base API
Rules deployment and updation
Spring Framework 4.x
Spring Layers with loose coupling
IoC and AOP
Spring Web and MVC
ORM Support and transaction management
Advanced API
Spring Security and best practices
Apache Maven for dependency management
Ant tasks and targets
Custom tasks and plug-ins
Working with macrodef
Remote task executions
Manage multiple builds
Build automation
Apache Ant for automation
Ant tasks and targets
Custom tasks and plug-ins
Working with macrodef
Remote task executions
Manage multiple builds
Build automation
Apache CXF Web Services
JAX-WS Services
Code first and contract first approach
Manage multiple services
MTOM data management
SAML and Token management
JavaScript Foundation
JavaScript dynamics
Browser compatibility issues and techniques
Object Oriented Programming with Java Script
DOM structure and manipulation
AJAX model for asynchronous response
JSON Data usage
Advanced JavaScript
Functions and closures
Memory leaks
HTML5 enhancements
JavaScript code quality
Unit Testing the JavaScript code
JavaScript patterns and best practices
Google Web Toolkit 2.7
GWT Architecture
The GWT Compiler and Emulator
Multi-Module Applications
GWT RPC and GWT Widgets
Client Bundle and JSNI
MVP implementation
EXT/GXT Integration
JQuery Library 2.x
The jQuery architecture
The jQuery DOM API
Ajax support and events
Custom events and bindings
JSON and XML Support
jQuery Plug-ins
HTML5.0 for the Advanced Web
HTML5 features and enhancements
Canvas and forms
Online/offline features
Web Browser storage API
Server sent events
Web workers for work delegation
Web socket Communications
AngularJS MVVM Framework
The JavaScript MVC and MVVM
AngularJS framework data binding
Directives and filters
Data sharing with service and factory
Unit and Integration Testing
Forms and validations
SPA and Routing
Consume REST API
HTML5.0 for the Advanced Web
HTML5 features and enhancements
Canvas and forms
Online/offline features
Web Browser storage API
Server sent events
Web workers for work delegation
Web socket Communications
AngularJS MVVM Framework
The JavaScript MVC and MVVM
AngularJS framework data binding
Directives and filters
Data sharing with service and factory
Unit and Integration Testing
Forms and validations
SPA and Routing
Consume REST API
JQuery Mobile for Mobile Web Applicationsb>
Support for client devices
Mark-up-Driven Development and Multi-Page Template
UI Components
Mobile Device Events and navigation
Responsive Layouts
JBoss7 and Wildfly Server Administration
Server Architecture
Domain and Standalone configuration
Resource management and monitoring
Application deployments and security
Cluster configuration for HA mode
Load balancing with fail over support
Class loading and dependencies management
Oracle Weblogic 11g Administration
Domain management
Managed Server / Administration Server
Working with Node Manager
Application Deployments
Working with WLST
Cluster and load balancing
Security configuration
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